PowiDian once again recognized for their european project « remote »
- Author PowiDian
- Date 07/01/2020
- Contact communication@powidian.com

The award for best sustainable energy project in the « Innovation » category was presented to project REMOTE (currently underway in Norway) during the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020
In 2020, PowiDian installed the « hydrogen storage » component of project REMOTE, was initiated in 2017 by a consortium of European companies.
Remote areas, green energy and decarbonation
Throughout the world, 10,000 islands inhabited by a total of 750 million people are powered by electricity from diesel generators, as are thousands of mountain communities. They’d have the ability to abandon their intermittent, polluting generators in favor of a combination of renewable energy and energy storage in order to meet their energy needs.
What’s the goal of project REMOTE?
Project REMOTE is currently underway on an island in Norway – the expected result is to reduce the importation of energy to this remote location, reduce the use of fossil fuels by 95-100 % and improve energy security.
Under what conditions can project REMOTE operate?
REMOTE is now being tested as a near-complete substitute for fossil fuels in a wide range of weather and environmental conditions, from sunny southern Europe to windy, cold Scandinavia. The current reliance on diesel generators, the world’s most commonly adopted solution in the absence of network, could be substantially reduced with these hybrid storage systems.
REMOTE relies on hydrogen storage and batteries, a simple combination able to reduce electricity costs by avoiding the deployment of infrastructure such as underwater cables and to suppress generator maintenance and costly transportation of diesel to remote locations, all the while reducing carbon dioxide and emissions particules.
European research and the Green Hydrogen Revolution
REMOTE success is part of a European research system focusing on hydrogen-related energy, a key topic being considered by the European Commission for a new round of funding under Horizon Europe.
The project coordinated by Politecnico di Torino (IT) includes the following partners: Ballard Power Systems Europe (DK), Hydrogenics Europe (BE), Powidian (FR), Enel Green Power (IT), Orizwn (EL), IRIS (IT), Tronderenergi (N), SINTEF (N), EPS ELVI Energy (IT), CERTH – Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (GR) .
“This project has received funding from
the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020