Mafate: Connection of the first users on a microgrid using hydrogen as a storage vector
- Author PowiDian
- Date 05/05/2017
- Contact
PowiDian made this connection on behalf of of EDF Island Electrical Systems on a micro-grid comprising three public buildings installed in the islet of La Nouvelle in the circus of Mafate

This microgrid is the first to use hydrogen as a storage vector. It will make it possible to use the solar energy available in the off-seasons to compensate for the drop in production during the austral summer, a drop due to the very high cloudiness linked to the heat and humidity on the Reunion massif.
After acceptance of the site carried out on March 23, 2017 by EDF La Réunion and one month of operation in test mode, users were connected on April 6, 2017. They are therefore the first users to use a 100% renewable and also reliable electricity supply. than a connected network, thanks to hydrogen.