
The most powerful hydrogen production and distribution station connected to an energy recovery unit in Créteil

PowiDian Energy was present for the laying of the foundation stone of the H2 Créteil hydrogen production and distribution station, the most powerful connected to an energy recovery unit (UVE) in the City of Créteil.

For 3 years now, PowiDian Energy has been supporting SEM SIP ENR, represented by Florence Crocheton-Boyer, and Suez represented by Sabrina Soussan, and more recently the Caisse des dépôts et consignations represented by Richard CURNIER, in this project which will allow the hashtag #SMITDUVM represented by Axel Urgin to restore the energy produced by the territory’s waste in the form of hydrogen in order to power 17 buses in the City of Créteil, of which Laurent Catala is the mayor. The project is co-financed by Europe, thanks to the help of PowiDian Energy, the Île-de-France region represented by Thierry Herbrecht, and ADEME.

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