Supply of a hydrogen demonstrator for the International University of Rabat (Morocco)
- Author PowiDian
- Date 07/31/2024
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PowiDian Energy is currently producing, for the International University of Rabat in Morocco, a 5 kW hydrogen demonstrator that will serve as a support for doctoral students of the new “Hydrogen Master’s” that will open next academic year 2024.
This innovative installation, located in the heart of the campus, also aims to promote research and innovation on the use of hydrogen as a source of electricity in Morocco.
The demonstrator delivered will consist of a “production” part with an electrolyzer cabinet, a “storage” assembly, and a “use” part composed of a fuel cell cabinet, with cogeneration, which will be integrated into their test platform on a house of the “future”, in addition to the University’s renewable energy testing resources.
The installation and commissioning work will be finalized in September, with an inauguration planned for the start of the 2024 academic year.